ActBlue - Celebrating the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Release Date:2022-07-01 Number of views:402

ActBlue wishes the Communist Party of China 101 years

Through a hundred years of vicissitudes, across the Xiongguan road,

Our Party is still in its prime and full of vitality!

Bearing the hopes of our ancestors and the trust of the people,

Our Party is rallying and leading the people of all ethnic groups across the country,

Firmly on the road of hopeful revival!

Red leads with Ai.

    The Party branch of Anhui ActBlue Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. was established in May 2013, with 24 official Party members and 2 probationary Party members. Party branch in recent years, the company always adhere to the party construction and the integration of production and operation, building the "red led with ai" party building brand, let "key a few" play "leading wild goose effect", make workshop party branch "red fort", make party post to become the pioneer of the "red", for the enterprise's spanning development provides a strong spiritual motivation and organization guarantee.

The red leadership is to foster the feelings of the Ai Party.

    Since this year, the Party branch of the company has deeply carried out the study and education of Party history. It has organized "watching movies, learning Party history" review and evaluation, "Learning Party history, praising Party gratitude, walking with the Party" national reading keynote speech contest, Party history knowledge test and Party history recitation contest, etc., to stimulate the enthusiasm of Party members and workers to learn and love the Party. Party members and active applicants were organized to go to the Red Education base to carry out Party day activities with the theme of "Study Party History, Remember Martyrs and keep the original aspiration", to further stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm and fighting spirit of Party members, workers and officials.

Innovation carrier, Guan "Ai" cohesion.

    We will give full play to the role of Party branches as battle fortresses and Party members as vanguard models, and guide Party members to take the initiative to show their identity, set an example, and take the lead in production and management by setting up vanguard posts and responsibility zones for Party members. Combined with Party history learning and education, improve and enhance the position construction of Party branches, build the sound wall of "scanning code and listening to red sounds", improve the activity room of Party branches, update the corridor of Party building culture, actively build a good platform for party members to carry out activities, and create a "red zone" that gathers strength.

    In ORDER TO CELEBRATE THE 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party members and probationary members of our company actively participated in the theme activity of "Welcome the 20th Party Congress to celebrate the 101st Anniversary of the Founding of the Party".

On the new journey,

We should work strongly with a strong program.

Ride the tide and keep on striving,

With greater confidence, with greater courage,

Strive to achieve the second Centenary Goal;

Strive to realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal.

Happy birthday to our Party,

May the future of the Communist Party of China be even brighter!

I wish the motherland prosperity!

ActBlue wishes the Communist Party of China 101 years

Through a hundred years of vicissitudes, across the Xiongguan road,

Our Party is still in its prime and full of vitality!

Bearing the hopes of our ancestors and the trust of the people,

Our Party is rallying and leading the people of all ethnic groups across the country,

Firmly on the road of hopeful revival!

Red leads with Ai.

    The Party branch of Anhui ActBlue Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. was established in May 2013, with 24 official Party members and 2 probationary Party members. Party branch in recent years, the company always adhere to the party construction and the integration of production and operation, building the "red led with ai" party building brand, let "key a few" play "leading wild goose effect", make workshop party branch "red fort", make party post to become the pioneer of the "red", for the enterprise's spanning development provides a strong spiritual motivation and organization guarantee.

The red leadership is to foster the feelings of the Ai Party.

    Since this year, the Party branch of the company has deeply carried out the study and education of Party history. It has organized "watching movies, learning Party history" review and evaluation, "Learning Party history, praising Party gratitude, walking with the Party" national reading keynote speech contest, Party history knowledge test and Party history recitation contest, etc., to stimulate the enthusiasm of Party members and workers to learn and love the Party. Party members and active applicants were organized to go to the Red Education base to carry out Party day activities with the theme of "Study Party History, Remember Martyrs and keep the original aspiration", to further stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm and fighting spirit of Party members, workers and officials.

Innovation carrier, Guan "Ai" cohesion.

    We will give full play to the role of Party branches as battle fortresses and Party members as vanguard models, and guide Party members to take the initiative to show their identity, set an example, and take the lead in production and management by setting up vanguard posts and responsibility zones for Party members. Combined with Party history learning and education, improve and enhance the position construction of Party branches, build the sound wall of "scanning code and listening to red sounds", improve the activity room of Party branches, update the corridor of Party building culture, actively build a good platform for party members to carry out activities, and create a "red zone" that gathers strength.

    In ORDER TO CELEBRATE THE 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party members and probationary members of our company actively participated in the theme activity of "Welcome the 20th Party Congress to celebrate the 101st Anniversary of the Founding of the Party".

On the new journey,

We should work strongly with a strong program.

Ride the tide and keep on striving,

With greater confidence, with greater courage,

Strive to achieve the second Centenary Goal;

Strive to realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal.

Happy birthday to our Party,

May the future of the Communist Party of China be even brighter!

I wish the motherland prosperity!

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